18 July 2005

The Name Game, Pt. Deux (Re-post)

The Name Game, Part DEUX

Part DEUX - "The Tooth"

I have acquired a nickname. A moniker. A pseudonym. A nom de plume. Since I am Michael Vance II, a friend of a friend has dubbed me "the Twoth" (pronounced "tooth", like "the fourth", but more dangerous, arrogant, and perhaps even misinformed ). I quite like it. But this funny thing of names and naming brings me closer to the end of this exercise. How do we feel about fucking ourselves? How do we feel about being with someone with whom we share the same name? Is it strange to call out your own name while screaming in ecstasy? Is it confusing? Is it an ego trip?

My roommate says he couldn't do it. Everyone I know says they couldn't do it. Honestly, I'm surprised, being a faggot with the name Michael, that I haven't had this come up before!

Maybe there's a new fetish waiting to be born out of this? Same-name-attraction. It's funny. It is weird. It can be confusing. It does seem odd (at least right now) to be like "Hey Michael... or like "Yeah Michael did..." I almost feel like one of those freaks like "The Rock". You know - those weirdos who refer to themselves only in the third person. I'm like "Do you SMELL what Michael's cookin'?!? Well DO YOU!?!" . The funny thing is - and maybe herein my answer lies - Michael and I both sort of like it.

Currently reading : Shadow Lands: Selected Poems By Johannes Bobrowski Release date: 01 June, 1984

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