22 September 2006

It's About Fucking Time, CDC! (Re-post)

So, apparently American health care is starting to take its head out of its own ass. The Centers for Disease Control issued a statement this week saying they believe all Americans ages 13-65 should be getting mandatory but voluntary regular routine HIV/AIDS tests.

Not only does this just "make sense", it will serve to de-stigmatize those living with HIV/AIDS, and give people who previously were too scared or ashamed to get tested the extra push they might have needed.

Of course many ignorant people have their arms raised in protest, but in all honesty, who cares? For too long AIDS has been considered a "gay" disease, and even though it is still more FREQUENT in gay males, this whole country is at risk.
Most importantly, we have the opportunity and the obligation to set the example for the rest of the world.

Stepping off soapbox now.

Read the article:

Currently listening : Sessions By Mark Farina Release date: 18 July, 2006

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