i fell asleep on the train for the first time tonight.
office xmas party resulting in karaoke downtown and yet another near fist fight.
loving matthew has shown me that i can be a fighter but i really just want hugs and cuddles.
i need teddy bear paws and loves.
espionage reaches out to me once more, and for the first time in my life i'm able to own up to my feelings and simultaneously purge the negative from my sphere.
i am in love with shapes and colors. sounds and smells.
maybe muscle.
i am not so much a tactile person; i like texting.
my phone is gone - but it's not just a phone, ''it's a treo''.
gay gay bashing.
i love working in advertising.
we don't just sell people what they didn't know they might have wanted. we wonder what it feels like for a girl.
i don't think i've ever been so satisfied with my life.
i don't think i've ever been so hungry for what i had but threw away. continents and foreskins separate the memories.
i am in love with a man i might (n)ever have. i wish he would just reach out to me instead of making me pine and wait and know and pine and love and cry and wish and dream of him and wake up hard. i wish his face was on my dick again.
honesty i've found is the best and worst medicine. it is also the deadliest and most effective weapon. knives are my favorite. swords work too.
shivering is an expectation of the next moments, and sighs are a disappointed farewell. in turn, breathing is simply a prolongation of life.
matter matters nothing.
who we are is all we are.
and we all know who we are.
i am in love
Currently listening : Unrest By Erlend Oye Release date: 11 February, 2003
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