Let us load you with fodder & truths so you feel a lot cooler than your less-informed peers.
27 January 2006
Breaking Up Is As Easy As 1 2 3 (Re-post)
I give you my musical prescription for moving beyond failed relationships, and getting back in touch with your Self.
I give you 123 songs that put you through the necessary ringer, only to bring you out of the drier fluffier and better-smelling.
Sand River 3:49 Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of Season
The Ordinary Boys 3:10 Morrissey Viva Hate
Indian Summer 3:30 Tommy Dorsey The Best Of Tommy Dorsey
Sea Of Teeth 4:29 Sparklehorse It's A Wonderful Life
Candy Land 2:56 Cocorosie La Maison De Mon Rêve
Pretty Good Year 3:26 Tori Amos Under the Pink
Mynewname 3:46 Transmissionary Six Get Down
Wonderful 4:22 Adam Ant Wonderful
Please Do Not Go 4:15 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes
Back To The Old House 3:02 The Smiths Hatful Of Hollow
Suffer 5:10 Smashing Pumpkins Gish
Resolve 2:51 Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of Season
The Things You Said 4:02 Depeche Mode Music For The Masses
Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me 3:52 Low Last Night I Dreamt That Somebody Loved Me
I Am Hated For Loving 3:41 Morrissey Vauxhall And I
It Can't Come Quickly Enough 4:39 Scissor Sisters Scissor Sisters
Come On In 3:46 Sparklehorse Good Morning Spider
Fade Into You 4:55 Mazzy Star So Tonight That I Might See
Crush 3:34 Smashing Pumpkins Gish
Death Of A Disco Dancer 5:26 The Smiths Strangeways, Here We Come
Unravel 3:17 Björk Homogenic
I'll Never Smile Again 3:14 Tommy Dorsey The Best Of Tommy Dorsey
Out To Get You 4:26 James Laid
Y Control 3:35 Yeah Yeah Yeahs Spin Mag CD
Prove My Love 2:38 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes
Crown Of Love 4:42 The Arcade Fire Funeral
Track 04 3:26 The Singles I'm On a Sinking Ship
Don't You Want Me Anymore 3:47 Pulp Countdown 1992-1983
Ex Factor 5:26 Lauryn Hill The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill
Lilac Wine 4:15 Nina Simone How It Feels To Be Free
By Your Side 3:59 Cocorosie La Maison De Mon Rêve
Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want 1:52 The Smiths Louder Than Bombs
Novanna 5:23 Transmissionary Six Get Down
Missing the War 4:19 Ben Folds Five Whatever & Ever Amen
Soma 6:40 Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream
All Night Home 3:43 Sparklehorse Good Morning Spider
Mysteries 4:39 Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of Season
Painbirds 3:50 Sparklehorse Good Morning Spider
Not For Sale 1:19 Cocorosie La Maison De Mon Rêve
It Doesn't Matter 4:45 Depeche Mode Some Great Reward
Flake 4:51 Transmissionary Six Get Down
Now My Heart Is Full 4:57 Morrissey Vauxhall And I
Sweet Sweet 1:38 Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream
Asleep at the Trigger 4:45 Autolux Future Perfect
I'd Like to Hurt You 3:46 Clearlake Cedars
Wanted 4:24 White Town Women In Technology
Holidaypark 2:50 Transmissionary Six Get Down
Bigmouth Strikes Again [Live] 5:51 The Smiths Rank [Live]
Add It Up 4:43 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes
Feeling Called Love 6:01 Pulp Different Class
5 Years 4:29 Björk Homogenic
M 3:03 The Cure Seventeen Seconds
I Do Not Want This 5:41 Nine Inch Nails The Downward Spiral
I Know It's Over [Live] 7:49 The Smiths Rank [Live]
Lyla 4:04 Cocorosie La Maison De Mon Rêve
Eyepennies 5:27 Sparklehorse It's A Wonderful Life
I Want You 4:39 Pulp Countdown 1992-1983
Keep Smiling 2:39 Clearlake Cedars
Confessions 5:32 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes
Tom the Model 3:41 Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of Season
Boys Don't Cry 2:37 The Cure Three Imaginary Boys
Spaceboy 3:59 Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream
Capital Kind of Strain 5:42 Autolux Future Perfect
My Best Friend 3:58 Annie Anniemal
Sunshine 5:03 Sparklehorse Good Morning Spider
Why Does It Hurt 1:45 Hot Snakes Suicide Invoice
Great Days for the Passenger Element 5:20 Autolux Future Perfect
Treat Yourself with Kindness 5:54 Clearlake Cedars
Trouble Loves Me 4:40 Morrissey Maladjusted
In Your House 4:07 The Cure Seventeen Seconds
Haitian Love Songs 4:55 Cocorosie La Maison De Mon Rêve
I Won't Share You 2:48 The Smiths Strangeways, Here We Come
Good Feeling 3:52 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes
It's A Wonderful Life 2:59 Sparklehorse It's A Wonderful Life
Rhinoceros 6:32 Smashing Pumpkins Gish
Celia Inside 4:40 The Cardigans Life
Wind in the Wires 4:18 Patrick Wolf Wind In The Wires
Sugarless 5:22 Autolux Future Perfect
Frou-Frou Foxes In Midsummer Fires 5:36 Cocteau Twins Heaven Or Las Vegas
Window Paine 5:51 Smashing Pumpkins Gish Alternative & Punk
Used To Be A Sweet Boy 2:49 Morrissey Vauxhall And I
A Featuring So Bold 2:58 Bobby Birdman Heart Caves
Colder 5:09 Colder Again
Secrets 3:20 The Cure Seventeen Seconds
Gold Day 4:14 Sparklehorse It's A Wonderful Life
C'mere 3:11 Interpol Antics
Sunny 2:45 Morrissey Sunny
No Easy Love 4:02 Annie Anniemal
Candy Says 5:20 Beth Gibbons & Rustin' Man Out of Season
New World 4:21 Björk Selmasongs Alternative & Punk
True Love Leaves No Traces 4:26 Leonard Cohen Death Of A Ladies' Man
Promise 2:49 Violent Femmes Violent Femmes Alternative & Punk
Hold On To Your Friends 4:02 Morrissey Vauxhall And I Alternative & Punk
Downforthecount 4:25 Transmissionary Six Get Down Rock
Once In Awile 2:43 Tommy Dorsey The Best Of Tommy Dorsey
Exchange 4:11 Massive Attack Mezzanine Electronica/Dance
Happy Meal 2:37 The Cardigans Life Alternative & Punk 100
Little Star 3:39 Stina Nordenstam Romeo + Juliet Soundtrack
Once I Flew 4:24 White Town Women In Technology Electronica/Dance
Your Daddy's Car 4:03 The Divine Comedy A Secret History - The Best Of The Divine
Day Dream 3:08 Smashing Pumpkins Gish Alternative & Punk
Stretch Out And Wait 2:38 The Smiths Louder Than Bombs
Luna 3:20 Smashing Pumpkins Siamese Dream Alternative & Punk
Junebug 3:25 Sparklehorse Good Morning Spider Alternative & Punk
Speak To Me/Breathe 4:02 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Caring Is Creepy 3:20 The Shins Garden State Soundtrack
Go It Alone 4:10 Beck Guero Alternative & Punk 100
The Only Living Boy In New York 3:59 Simon & Garfunkel Garden State
Mouth's Cradle 3:59 Björk Medúlla Electronica/Dance
A Week Next June 4:18 White Town Women In Technology
How Long 4:54 Out Hud Let Us Never Speak of It Again Electronica/Dance
Never As Tired As When I'm Waking Up 4:49 LCD Soundsystem LCD Soundsystem [Disc 1] Electronica/Dance 100 7
Changes 3:36 David Bowie Changesbowie Rock 100 8
Good Head 6:38 Turbonegro Apocalypse Dudes Rock
Chewing Gum 3:54 Annie Anniemal
Future 5:12 Cut Copy Bright Like Neon Love Electronica/Dance
Then She Did... 8:18 Jane's Addiction Ritual De Lo Habitual
Little Fat Baby 3:40 Sparklehorse It's A Wonderful Life Alternative & Punk
It's For You 4:50 Out Hud Let Us Never Speak of It Again
Everyday I Love You Less And Less 3:37 Kaiser Chiefs Employment
Jacob's Ladder 1:21 Patrick Wolf Wind In The Wires Alternative & Punk
Tristan 2:35 Patrick Wolf Wind In The Wires Alternative & Punk
Unhappy Birthday 2:45 The Smiths Strangeways, Here We Come
Currently listening : Set Free By The American Analog Set Release date: 20 September, 2005
23 January 2006
The Relationship Coin (Re-post)
I still love you
I just can't be around you because you cause me pain, confusion, doubt
I don't trust you; you make me not trust my self
You don't care for me as much as I care for you
You hurt yourself, and I can't stand idly by while you continue to deny your self-hate
You don't understand me like you think you do
I'm tired of fighting
I don't like where this is going
I don't see where this is going
This is going nowhere
I just want to be happy (not with you)
I don't like being associated with you
You embarass me
You disgust me
You need me too much
You put me on a pedestal
You drive me crazy
We are bad for each other
I miss you some times
To the friends and lovers who've dumped me:
With each passing day, I understand why more and more
I wish you had given me another chance
Why was it a competition?
I put you on a pedestal
I still love you
That's OK
I think I cared more about you than you cared about me
You really hurt me
You really made me doubt myself
You taught me so much about love
Maybe I am still IN love with you
You were right
I remind myself of you sometimes lately
I'm glad we had our time together
You put me on a pedestal
Sorry I wasn't what you wanted
Sorry I wasn't who you thought I was
Sorry I didn't make it
Sorry I wasn't strong enough
Sorry I said those things to you
I just wanted you unconditionally
You broke my heart
You will have my heart forever
You were right not to trust me
You drive me crazy
We were not right for each other
I miss you all the time
Currently listening : Loveless By My Bloody Valentine Release date: 05 November, 1991
20 January 2006
Number 1 (Re-post)
So I turned on the Goldfrapp song and sure enough, the song began with the same clear and powerful note.
Incensed, I got out my Harmonica. I had to know if it was a C. Sure enough, it is a C.
Many scientists and people who work with sound frequencies and pitch, etc. consider C to be like perfection. The way it resonates, and the power the note carries in all of its octaves and in fifths.
Following the feeling - that high you get from synchronicity - I got to Googling.
Courtesy of Wikipedia:

** From the discussion **:
Talk:Middle C
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
"There's one pitch in which middle C is 256Hz (philosophical pitch? I can't remember the name). Has the nice advantage of all Cs being powers of 2! -- Tarquin
It is indeed called philosophical pitch (or sometimes "scientific pitch") and was reasonably popular for a while. It's very handy mathematically speaking if the only notes you're going to use are Cs - otherwise the nasty twelfth-roots of equal temperament come along and make all the other pitches things like D=287.350284Hz ;-) I'm going to write about different pitch standards at pitch (music) one day, it's an interesting subject, I think. I'll spruce this page up a bit as well. --Camembert
Then I got to thinking about the mathematical element to a keyboard, music, and C. From my esoteric studies, I know C is considered to be the note of enlightenment and higher consciousness.
I remembered reading about fractals in relation to C, which made me google fractals and pitch and C.
Courtesy of Terry Blackburn.us:

Experiences like this only support my belief and faith that the theory of Universality, also called the theory of "Everything" will indeed be discovered.
We are everything; everything is connected.
We discover more every day.
Currently listening : Number 1 By Goldfrapp Release date: 2005
19 January 2006
Like Whoaaaa (Re-post)
brokeback mountain won many globes.
in my globe, all personal and soft-like,
roommates get diagnosed with cancer
love is shared and parts are scared.
dad is there. he does care.
jobs are cancelled. sorry!!
"but i had an appointment"
"SORRY! CANCEL!" (hahaha)
squealing mouse is trapped in glue by the fridge
but I'm too much of a baby to throw him
in the trash
or out the window onto neighboring rooftops;
though I hear his squeaking - cries for help -
As if the boogeyman is opening my bedroom door
I am helpless and paralyzed -we know death awaits him.
I tried tonight
but again I was off.
the smells and the laughs
weren't quite right.
my spheres were colliding
and my fault lines ruptured a bit.
perhaps the lines in my face
were mirrored by the waves
in my voice?
am beginning to think
perhaps it's best,
it would be best
if I never said anything at all.
Numb and pleasurable, expensive cab rides.
I find myself at home again thanks to FDR Drive.
It really was just not
in any way
sexual or sensual,
esoteric or aesthetic,
worth it.
I feel like a mannequin.
Pose me, bend me
fuck me, stuff me.
Sew your shit onto me
and please then call me your work.
Currently listening : Clap Your Hands Say Yeah By Clap Your Hands Say Yeah Release date: 11 October, 2005
17 January 2006
Funniest Graffiti EVER! (Re-post)
Graffiti always makes a statement, but in true gay style, the graffiti at Phoenix is too fabulous for words.
My personal favorites are:
"Beyonce shops at Strawberry"
and (though you must imagine a man bent over spreading his hairy ass cheeks exposing his brown starfish covered in black specks)
"Anal Warts: OUCH!"
Post replies with funny graffiti you've seen around town!!!
Currently listening : Crimes By Blood Brothers Release date: 12 October, 2004
Music Picks for 2005 (Re-post)
Here are the albums that kept me sane and sometimes happy, in no specific order.
Beth Gibbons & Rustin Man – Out of Season
Tommy Dorsey – Best of Tommy Dorsey
Sparklehorse – It’s a Wonderful Life
Cocorosie – La Maison De Mon Reve
Transmissionary Six – Get Down
Smashing Pumpkins – Gish
Depeche Mode – Music for the Masses
Mazzy Star – So Tonight That I Might See
Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Fever to Tell
Violent Femmes – Violent Femmes
The Arcade Fire – Funeral
Pulp – Countdown
Depeche Mode – Some Great Reward
Annie – Anniemal
The Smiths – Rank
Autolux – Future Perfect
Bjork – Medulla
Nina Simone – How It Feels To Be Free
The Cure – Seventeen Seconds
Cocorosie – Noah’s Ark
The Cure – Disintegration
Hot Snakes – Suicide Invoice
Blood Brothers – Crimes
Patrick Wolf – Wind in the Wires
Cocteau Twins – Heaven or Las Vegas
Bobby Birdman – Heart Caves
!!! – Louden Up Now
Patrick Wolf – Lycanthropy
American Music Club – Love Songs for Patriots
The Cure – Three Imaginary Boys
Marmoset – Hidden Forbidden
Pavement – Crooked Rain, Crooked Rain
Nico – Chelsea Girl
Miss Kittin – I Com
M.I.A. – Arular
Golden Boy with Miss Kittin – Or
Joy Division – Substance
Various Artists – Luaka Bop 10th-Year Anniversary
Goldfrapp – Supernature
Ladytron – Witching Hour
Depeche Mode – Playing the Angel
Adult. – Gimme Trouble
Colder – Heat
Madonna – Confessions on a Dancefloor
Sufjan Stevens – Come on Feel The Illinoise!
The Decemberists – Live At the Theatre of Living Arts – Philadelphia, PA May, 2005
The American Analog Set – Set Free
The Hidden Cameras – Mississauga Goddamn
Clap Your Hands Say Yeah! – Clap Your Hands Say Yeah!
Maximilian Hecker – Infinite Love Songs
Bobby Birdman – Born Free Forever
Cut Copy – Bright Like Neon Love
LCD Soundsystem – LCD Soundsystem
Colder – Again
Interpol – Antics
Les Savy Fav – Inches
Hot Snakes – Audit in Progress
The Radio Department – Lesser Matters
Blonde Redhead – Misery Is a Butterfly
David Bowie – Changes
Frausdots – Couture, Couture, Couture
Turbonegro – Apocalypse Dudes
Leonard Cohen – Death of a Ladies’ Man
Massive Attack – Mezzanine
Morrissey – Vauxhall And I
Pink Floyd – Dark Side of the Moon
The Shins – Chutes Too Narrow
Out Hud – Let Us Never Speak of It Again
Kaiser Chiefs – Employment
Pulp – Different Class
Bjork – Homogenic
Fischerspooner – Odyssey
Scissor Sisters – Scissor Sisters
Currently reading : Call Me Crazy: A Memoir By Anne Heche Release date: 04 March, 2003
14 January 2006
How One Night In Amsterdam Changed My Life (Re-post)
On May 13th, 2003 I found myself graduated from college and in Amsterdam on my way to Germany for three months. Amsterdam made my head, mind, and heart spin. That first night in Europe, I felt connected to something I'd never experienced before. It was not the "Oh Europe is so beautiful and amazing" feeling. I had lived in Europe in high school, so that aspect of the trip was lost on me this sophomore time around. What I felt I can only describe as an intense presence... and though invisible, so overwelmingly powerful. It made me euphoric, and at times fearful for my life. I felt pulled, yet comforted.
After museum-ing all day (odd sidenote- Rembrandt's the Lamentation of Christ brought me to tears at the Van Gogh Museum - I felt compelled, and returned to the painting four times), I began walking the streets alone at night, looking for a club I'd heard about. But while lost, I stumbled upon a place where strobe lights and great bumping music pulled me in. Following my intuition, I stayed, as if waiting for something. The music was great, and after dancing for a while and enjoying a drink, found one of the most beautiful creatures I'd ever seen standing in front of me.
Right when I said that thought in my mind, he started walking towards me smiling as if he was waiting for me and knew what was about to take place. As if he knew that he would be the catalyst for everything that was to follow.
While asking me general questions about myself, he lightly pinched and prodded various parts of my body, and by the end of the coversation, I felt spread open, yet knew nothing of him. He told me I wouldn't believe how old he was, or how to understand his name if he told me.
Two friends of his appeared, but were obviously not as in control of themselves... they tried to get me to go to a basement darkroom with them. Tired from my flight and walking all day, and apprehensive about casual sexual encounters with a stranger (or strangers!?), I told him I would love to see him again, but I was not going to be joining them.
He looked at me and said "It's for the best anyways." Feeling challenged and confused, I asked why. He said "It's going to be too dangerous for you." And he began to look impatient. Feeling my ego challenged once again, I asked "What do you mean by that?"
He looked in my eyes, leaned in close, and made a noise in my ear only for me to hear - but this was no normal sound. It was a chord, and with it, it carried pure energy, and I am to this day not sure if I so much heard it as FELT it. I remember first feeling it above my head, and then as if the feeling washed over and crept down my entire body.He leaned back smirking, knowing what effect he had just had on me. I was so afraid and confused. I felt in the presence of something inhuman; something I could never understand. My first intuition was to ask "What are you??" but my logic stopped me at "What ar---"... because he started to giggle, and it wasn't the first time I felt he had read my mind. Then I asked "What was that?" instead. He replied "You should run now." And I left. His eyes followed me the whole way with a curious smirk on his face...
Since that happened, I have felt increasingly more and more aware... I can read peoples' minds and affect their moods. For the longest time, I felt schizophrenic. So overwelmed, isolated, afraid, detached and scattered, yet so connected to EVERYTHING.
I began to understand complex concepts in the fields of physics, string/chaos theory, and quantum mechanics. Somewhere in my journey I found some books called Galactic Allignment, Redfield's Celestine Prophecy, Talbot's The Holographic Universe, and The Quickening by Stuart Wilde.
In the last 2 years, I've had friends and lovers condemn me for my new awareness, had countless arguments pleading for those I've loved or who've loved me to understand that I don't want to start a cult, or even worship anything (other than enlightenment/consciousness itself). And most recently, I've seen certain friends, coworkers, and family members grow fearful of my gaze, my words, and my physical presence in general.
People have become more and more hesitant to make eye contact with me. More interesting though - just recently, I'm beginning to feel the same noise quietly waiting, and growing inside my throat, and I know it will come out of me as it did him some time sooner than later. It already has, but not strong enough or focused enough to sustain.
The level of denial (of the ascension or the human potential movement) has increased in those around me as well, yet not everyone. I am definitely experiencing first-hand the poloarization of society. Though they don't realize it, many people are becoming more and more aware (thanks to alternative media, internet, iPods, and TIVO), and they are enunciating Human Potential Movement (HPM) ideas... spreading light and not even realizing they are doing it... At the same time, more and more people have synchronistically found their ways into my life and me into theirs, etc.
I know something is unfolding. I feel it and see evidence of it more and more every day that passes. And I feel the need less and less to understand or exert control. My prayer fields/intent/energy are becoming stronger and stronger. I don't completely understand my purpose in the midst of all this, but it's becoming clearer and clearer as time passes, and I am more content than I have felt my whole life, just knowing things are moving forward. I have begun feeling quite powerful with the idea that I am living and doing my mission every day without even thinking about it and without predetermined motive. All it requires is good intent. I feel things speeding up and slowing down at the same time.
If I am sure of one thing (and I was not sure of this right after my strange experience in Amsterdam)- whatever he was, he did what he did to me out of love. I requested in subconsciously on some level. I was ready to be awakened, and knew that I needed it in a dramatic/jarring fashion. Right now, while writing this, it came to me that he was a part of my soul group... and even perhaps a non-corporeal version of my higher self (we did look somewhat alike). Interesting. I knew I felt compelled to write for a reason.
This is a magical and pivotal time in our planet's existence. Let's all take advantage. I'm glad and will continue to be glad to be here and a part of this evolution.
Currently listening : Hail To The Thief By Radiohead Release date: 10 June, 2003
11 January 2006
Up On Magic Mountain (Re-post)
It's making me feel nauseous and dizzy. Spinning with delirium. Lovely sad.
Here are the lyrics to one of my favorites:
"Magic Mountain"
At magic mountain
Nobody sings today
Nobody speaks today
Close my eyes
And hope to see
Weeks go by like a day
In a lowland
I live up on magic mountain
No one leaves magic mountain
At magic mountain
Nothing changes
Everything stays the same
Cross my heart
And hope to leave
All the time
With a little fever
I stay here on magic mountain
No one leaves magic…
My heart hears you sing
My heart sees you speak
But I never make it in the flatlands
I must stay on magic mountain
Currently listening : Misery Is a Butterfly By Blonde Redhead Release date: 23 March, 2004
09 January 2006
Oh Heathcliff - It's me Cathy. I've come home! (Re-post)
Daydreaming while going to the deli to get pudding to make. Smoking a cigarette outside, the many bunches of roses - their smell, their count, their beauty - made me think
"Maybe you really are a romantic?"
I questioned what color I would buy. Definitely not red. Or white for that matter. But what color? The yellow? The burnt gray-yellow? The pink? Surely not.
Then the tulips caught my eye. Sweet and unassuming, their clumsy and hesitant flowers had not even bloomed yet. Their potential had not yet been realized.
The daydream gains steam. Grande. For the sake of making history, I question how I would like to show up at his door. Would the Cure's "Pictures of You" be playing? What would I be wearing? What does the look in his eyes say when he opens the door? Can my kisses make him cry out of joy? Am I wearing a trenchcoat with no clothes on underneath except for a pair of skimpy briefs, or will my outfit say "I'm playing it cool man."? Will I have a hat on? A scarf? A hat over my heart with the flowers extended like a treaty (or maybe an offering to a pagan god)?
What will my heart say? My eyes will give me away.
A confession? A bribe?
"I'll let you love me, and I'll love you with all my heart as long as you don't try to hurt me."
No that would never work.
A smirk?
Always the gentleman. There is no deception here.
Cup spilling over. Wuthering Heights.
Like a vampire, I wouldn't dare enter any home, or cross any threshold unless invited. But what I wouldn't give to bury my senses -- to feast on the joy, pain, and wonder that is you.
Currently listening : Whole Story By Kate Bush Release date: 25 October, 1990
04 January 2006
Astrological Chart (Re-post)
Your Basic Birth chart
Your data
michael Vance II
Sex M
Columbus, OH 39 USA
06-05-1980 08:00
Julian day 2444396.00
Adjust 4.00 ST 23.24 Lat 39.57 Long 82.60
Ok, now let's get started with the analysis of your birth chart. We begin with a look at your planets and houses. This is rather technical data for those people who know a lot about astrology.
The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche.
The most important information from the following table are: your sun sign, moon sign and your ascendant. The sun sign is the most general information in your horoscope. However you should make special note of your ascendant (Asc), also called rising sign. Never forget your rising sign as it give you more in-depth information about yourself. The Moon sign is also important as it reflects your emotions and intuitive side of your nature. In the Old Astrology, the Moon sign was a lot more important as the more general Sun sign.
The planets in the signs
The position of the planets in the signs of the Zodiac has an influence on the character of the individual and these influences form a large part of the individual psyche.
Sun in Gemini
He is an opportunist. He can express himself easily and learns quickly. He is welcoming and gentle. He likes travel and intellectual work.
Weaknesses: a changeable and diffuse nature. Wastes energy by doing too many things. He lacks persistence in achieving set goals.
Moon in Pisces
Imaginative, sharp insights. He is impressionable, with an abundant imagination. Multiple births.
Weaknesses: troubles caused by too much sentimentality, worries, problems, unhealthy imagination, nervousness.
Mercury in Cancer
He adapts to every situation that arises, has a good understanding, is discerning and is full of insight. He is lucid and thinks things through. He likes to please and to create a good impression.
Weaknesses: strong tendency to be influenced by those around him. Of changeable and unstable ideas, he is quickly convinced by fine words, even if at the beginning he did not share the person's point of view.
Venus in Gemini"Gift of the gab", always finds the right expression. A good talker, refined, with a love of the Arts. Two-sided in emotional affairs, flirtatious. Superficial emotions. Countless and inconstant love affairs. Likes to play love games.
Weaknesses: Instability and fickleness in love. Often goes too far in love because of the desire to flirt and play on the other person, who will often suffer - but that is not his problem. Inconstant in love, which is ephemeral; he is unfaithful and can sometimes speak caustically.
Mars in Virgo
Efficiency, deftness, flexibility, diligence but also ingenuousness.
Weaknesses: he can easily boil over and can get angry over a small detail that gets in the way
Jupiter in Virgo
He is methodical and practical. He likes order, organization and harmony. He can easily link everything together.
Weaknesses: he has a tendency to distrust his circle, does not trust people.
Saturn in Virgo
He likes order, harmony, method and balance. He can undertake long-term medical or scientific studies.
Weaknesses: he is intransigent, stubborn. Misuse of medicines, or asking for too much medicine.
Uranus in Scorpio
Intelligent and subtle. Adores research, inquiry, investigation. Very sensual.
Neptune in Sagittarius
Likes long voyages, things foreign, water.
Pluto in Libra
Brings changes.
Sign and ascendant
Gemini ascendant Cancer
The planets in the houses
The planetary positions in the houses express the facts relative to destiny.
Sun in XII
Professional success in isolated occupations. Work in laboratories, scientific research, police, information services, hospitals.
Moon in IX
Highly imaginative. Prolonged studies, is intuitive. Professionally successful abroad, or in import-export or as a diplomat. Contact with foreigners. Long journeys. Ability to learn foreign languages.
Mercury in XII
He has difficulty expressing himself, especially when young. Does not talk much, he does not speak for the sake of it. He works in remote and quiet places. He is discrete and philosophical.
Venus in XII
He is devoted to sick or impoverished people. Can be in the medical or social professions. He likes animals, tranquility, peace and solitude. He has secret love affairs.
Mars in III
Lively spirit, alert and ingenious but sarcastic, critical, provocative. He is quarrelsome. Expresses himself easily, does what he wants; success is at the end of the road. He is capable and acts quickly.
Jupiter in III
He has good judgement, a sense of values, an open and optimistic mind, a good education and high moral standards. He likes studying. He is successful in communications work. His professional work is a vocation and plays a great part in his life.
Saturn in IV
He needs to be dominated. He has a sense of organization and accepts his responsibilities. He achieves his objectives in spite of slow progress, with many hurdles to overcome. He is persevering and patient.
Uranus in V
He is independent, likes even dubious distractions. His amorous adventures are not only numerous but also very complicated, otherwise they hold no charm.
Neptune in VI
He is more prone than most to the bad influence of alcohol, medicines and drugs. To be avoided at all costs.
The houses in the signs
Ascendant in Cancer
He will certainly have a large family. Indeed, family life, the home, the children will be very important for him.
House II in Leo
Financial success will be very easy thanks to the support of influential people. Tendency to spend more than what is earned.
House III in Leo
He is a very good organizer. Everything is carefully studied, explained and swiftly executed.
House IV in Virgo
Makes a good father, watching over his children, spending the night in an armchair near a sick child, caring for and calming him/her with patience. Knows how to look after his home perfectly, how to iron out difficulties by his practical sense and thanks to his intelligence.
House V in Libra
He is delicate and full of good manners, with a taste for luxury; his friends are the same - refined with very good jobs. Will want to marry (and not just live with the partner).
House VI in Sagittarius
Likes jobs that involve travel, moving about a lot. Weak point: the circulation of the blood.
House VII in Capricorn
A love-and-friendship marriage. Unproblematic, quiet relationship. A few hiccups, but nothing really serious. Faithfulness.
House VIII in Aquarius
An unexpected inheritance.
House IX in Aquarius
Goes into one of the professions, is innovative and original. Likes travel, communicating with different people. Long research.
House X in Pisces
Professional success in solitary professions. Archivist, librarian, historian etc...
House XI in Aries
Likes to be surrounded by friends full of vigor, solid, spirited. Carries out everything he undertakes.
House XII in Gemini
Anxiety, preoccupation concerning a dear one.
Interplanetary aspects
The interplanetary aspects have a strong influence on the character and disposition of the individual and, consequently, on his destiny.
The conjunction aspect is variable and depends above all on the nature of the conjoint planets.
198 Conjunction Mercury - Ascendant
He is intelligent, with quick and lively reflexes. He is preoccupied by his circle, likes to exchange ideas with his friends, but also with strangers. Of an open nature, he goes out to others.
165 Conjunction Mercury - Venus
He looks on the bright side of life; he is gay, agreeable, optimistic, sociable. He likes to speak and write, and does both with charm and artistry. His intellectual pleasures are influenced by his feelings. He is amorous and sensual. He likes beauty, the Arts, but also travelling.
164 Trine Moon - Mercury
He has good judgement, a good memory. He is intelligent, imaginative, vivacious and develops all through life. He speaks easily. He has an aptitude for learning foreign languages.
-126 Opposition Moon - Mars
He is very emotional and is driven to do things by his emotions. He does not think things over or through in a given situation. He is irascible and sometimes violent. Marital disputes.
-103 Opposition Moon - Jupiter
He is indifferent to others, to those who surround him; he is negligent and indecisive. He likes excess, gambling and his honesty is elastic. This aspect does not help professional success, especially as he tends to spend more than he earns.
86 Sextile Mars - Ascendant
-83 Square Sun - Mars
He is violent, impulsive. He throws himself headlong into situations without ever thinking of the consequences of his actions. This can cause a lot of problems. He cannot stand still and channels badly the energy which he possesses.
-79 Opposition Saturn - Midheaven
He must struggle a lot and work hard to achieve his aims. Although confronted by discouraging circumstances, he knows how to set off again and continue the fight.
-66 Opposition Sun - Neptune
His imagination turns to internal day-dreaming; he is easily influenced, and complicates life unnecessarily. He does not bring plans to a conclusion. The dream-world is enough.
60 Sextile Saturn - Uranus
He knows how to be on top of the situation. He perseveres, is determined but ingenious and original. He is very practical. He proceeds slowly, but is always bound to achieve his objectives in the end.
55 Sextile Venus - Jupiter
He is good-hearted, generous and has a good character. He likes well-being, comfort, a life without problems. He has good relations with his circle. He is easy to approach. All the same, he falls in love easily. He has a successful married and professional life.
53 Trine Sun - Pluto
He is aware of the goal to be achieved. He is strong, and always picks himself up after a setback.
-49 Square Saturn - Neptune
Living conditions are difficult
44 Trine Moon - Ascendant
He has a good influence on the family, which loves and helps the person. He likes travelling, movement, change. He likes contact and is open to other people.
25 Sextile Neptune - Pluto
21 Trine Moon - Venus
He is gracious, sweet and gay. He likes pleasure and entertainment, but also the Arts. He needs tenderness, loves and wants children. He appreciates home life in a comfortable atmosphere.
21 Trine Uranus - Midheaven
He must have a job that allows him complete freedom, something non-routine. He likes change, has a lot of energy and knows how to influence others in spite of his originality.
20 Conjunction Mars - Saturn
He is energetic and determined. He has strength and resistance, ability and patience; he is tough, and sometimes insensitive, and puts all his energy and talents into overcoming all the obstacles to his success. He is obstinate, calculating, does not take on anything without having thought of all the possible consequences, he can take all the time in the world and never loses patience to achieve his objectives. He is not particularly popular in his circle, but is feared and respected.
16 Conjunction Mars - Jupiter
He has a good sense of organization, he is jovial, frank and sincere. He is full of dynamism and over-abundant energy. He loves life and takes all it has to offer. He likes sports and the outdoor life. He is successful professionally and emotionally. He usually has lots of children.
-16 Square Neptune - MidheavenHe lacks assurance, self-confidence. He does not always choose the right path.-14 Square Sun - SaturnThis implies slow intellectual development.
-12 Opposition Venus - Neptune
He lacks self-confidence and his ideals are not easily to achieve. In love, he is unstable, unfaithful and deceitful. He is easy-going and follows others, he does not take the initiative.
-11 Square Sun - Midheaven
He lacks an aim in life. He does not face up to problems and his schemes, if any, are impossible for him to realize.
-10 Opposition Mars - Midheaven
He suffers professional setbacks because he is too impulsive, imprudent and lacks forethought.
Currently reading : Christ the Lord : Out of Egypt By Anne Rice Release date: 01 November, 2005